-1 tsp Coconut oil
-1/3 c Chopped onion
-1 Celery stalk, chopped
-2 c Collard greens, de-stemmed and chopped
-2 15-oz Cans Great Northern Beans, rinsed and drained
-1 tsp. Cider vinegar
-1 qt Chicken stock
-1/2 tsp Garlic powder
-1/2 tsp Dry basil
-In a soup post, the coconut oil over medium-low heat. Add the onion and cook until softened, about 3 minutes.
-Add the celery and collards and stir to combine. Pour in the stock and raise the heat to medium. Add the seasonings and vinegar.
-Cook without covering for 30 minutes, stirring occasionally.
-Add the beans stir and continue cooking for 30 minutes.
-Optional: serve topped with pan seared chicken tenderloins.