How to Survive the Night Shift with Safe Catch Tuna

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For anyone who has ever worked the night shift, you know how hard it can be to stay awake and alert. The struggle is real! Whether you’re a nurse, doctor, taxi driver, or security guard, if you work nights, you know how important it is to have a game plan for staying awake. I’ve compiled my top five tips for surviving the night shift. With these tips and a little help from Safe Catch Tuna, you’ll be well nourished and ready to conquer the night!

Bringing your own meals and snacks is your best friend: I’ve been working the night shift on an assignment in the Philippines. Guess what’s open for lunch at 1:30 am? That’s right, fast food joints with empty calories that leave you feeling bloated and tired.

Get Some Sunshine: As tempting as it is to sleep all day when you work nights, try to get at least 30 minutes of daylight before your shift starts. It doesn’t have to be anything strenuous, just a walk around the block will do the trick. The natural light will help wake you up and prepare your body for a long night ahead. I’ve been taking that short walk and it feels great!

Stay Hydrated: It’s important to stay hydrated no matter what shift you work, but it’s especially important when working nights. Drinking plenty of water will help keep you alert and focused when your body is trying to tell you to go to sleep. I like to keep a water bottle at my station so I can sip on it throughout my shift.

Eat Healthy Snacks: unhealthy snacks may give you a quick burst of energy, but they won’t sustain you throughout your entire shift. Instead of candy or chips, try snacking on fruits or nuts which will give you sustained energy throughout the night. I always make sure to have an apple or some almonds handy for when I start feeling sleepy. Another favorite of mine is a couple of pieces of rye-crisp with the Elite Wild Tuna, Cajun – Pouch… is a flavor bomb!

Make it a High-Protein lunch: I like to pack Safe Catch tuna or salmon along with salad or a nice blend of veggies and beans. It’s easy to prepare and the pouches are so easy! Check out all the easy recipes I have put together! Many of these were assembled in a little hotel room kitchen.

Here are some of my favorites:

Working the night shift can be tough, but with these five tips and a little help from Safe Catch Tuna, you’ll be wide awake and ready to conquer the night! Bring your food, sunlight, hydration, and healthy meals and power snacks are key for surviving the night shift. With these tricks up your sleeve, you’ll be ready for anything the night throws your way!

Safe Catch is the ONLY brand to test EVERY elite & ahi tuna to a mercury limit 10X stricter than the FDA action limit! Check them out and use offer code: SUNDAYMEALPREP to take 15% off your first order! I’ve been a customer for years and recently partnered with Safe Catch to create recipes and share their quality products.
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