If you’re starting the Whole30 journey, then congratulations on taking such a proactive step in your health and wellness! The Whole30 is an elimination diet that was originally designed to help people recognize what foods might be causing problems for their individual bodies. It helps reset both mind and body by reducing something called “food intolerance”—and it may just change your life for the better. For 30 days you will completely remove certain categories of foods from your diet (processed foods, added sugars, dairy etc.), as well as establish consistent eating habits. While this can seem daunting at first – between shopping lists, avoiding tempting snacks everywhere we go, tweaking our favorite recipes etc. –with a little bit of guidance, the process can actually be incredibly satisfying and rewarding. I’ve done the Whole30 several times and have learned so much every time. Here are my top tips for getting the most out of your Whole30 program!
Start with a plan that focuses on what you can and should enjoy!
The Whole30 program is designed to change the way you eat, feel, and think about food. It’s not a quick fix or a fad diet–it’s a sustainable lifestyle change that can have lasting results. But changing the way you eat is no small task, which is why it’s important to start with a plan. Decide what your goals are for the programs. Now I know you’ll need to review the program guidelines and plan on eliminating certain things for a while. That said, I find it more positive and beneficial to focus on those foods I love that also happen to be encouraged on the Whole30. So for me that meant enjoying baked salmon, pesto, butternut squash, tuna, avocados and grass-fed beef! Find what you love and be sure to include those things and you’ll be happy and satisfied.
Prep your kitchen.
One of the most important things you can do to set yourself up for success on the Whole30 is to prep your kitchen. This means getting rid of all the tempting foods that you won’t be eating for the next 30 days, and stocking up on Whole30-approved foods. This will make it easier to stick to your plan when you’re at home, and will help you avoid temptation when you’re out and about. Remember to plan for snacks, too including some that can be enjoyed on-the-go.
I keep plenty of their tuna, salmon, sardines & mackerel on hand because they are the ONLY brand to test EVERY elite & ahi tuna to a mercury limit 10X stricter than the FDA action limit! This is a great way to easily include the protein you need in your meals or snacks. Check them out and use offer code: SUNDAYMEALPREP to take 15% off and free shipping on your first order! I’ve been a customer for years and recently partnered with Safe Catch to create recipes and share their quality products.
Here are just a few of my favorite recipes that also fit your Whole30:
Nicoise Salad: https://sundaymealprep.com/2022/11/07/nicoise-salad/
Tuna Omelet: https://sundaymealprep.com/2020/09/02/tuna-omelette/
Dad’s Favorite Sardine Salad: https://sundaymealprep.com/2020/11/19/dads-favorite-sardines-salad/ (skip the croutons)
Tuna-Avocado lettuce wraps, salmon stuffed tomatoes, tuna & Pico de Gallo
This is a brand I have recently discovered and I sure wish I knew about this when I did a Whole30. Seasonings, marinades, dressings and condiments can be problematic because of all the added chemicals, trans-fats and unnecessary sugar. This is one change I made for good following my Whole30 experience. Additives and ‘non-food” are now a non-negotiable for me!
The New Primal has Whole30 approved products that can help with that clean eating meal prep! Take 15% off your order with code SUNDAYMEALPREP www.thenewprimal.com/sundaymealprep
Here are just a few of my favorites:
Seasoning Sampler Pack – This one has a nice variety and I just got it so stay tuned for recipes! You’ll find several other spice options so explore.
Mustard BBQ Sauce – It’s hard to find or even recreate a good BBQ sauce when you’re so used to the commercial brands. This one is yummy and they make a smoky BBQ and an awesome Teriyaki Sauce as well.
Meat Stick Sampler 10 Count – Ready to go protein snacks that don’t require refrigeration for the win! I like the variety pack.
You’ll want to have plenty of quality olive oil for your Whole30. Think cooking, pestos, dressings, and don’t forget to make by Dump Ranch recipe! This is a delicious dressing and once you make this you’ll never go back to store bought Ranch Dressing. I love that Saratoga is a family business! Take 15% off with code SUNDAYMEALPREP www.saratogaoliveoil.com/sundaymealprep
Address the Coffee Situation
This is hard for some people! It’s a routine, maybe even a ritual after all! If your morning java normally includes, dairy products, “creamers” or sugar you will need to make some changes. Some good, Whole30 approved items can include almond milk, coconut milk, Nutpods creamer or Bubs Naturals MCT Oil powder. You may want to use a frothier and a dash of cinnamon to jazz it up!
Find a support system
Changing the way you eat can be challenging, which is why it’s important to find a support system. Whether it’s your family, friends, or an online community, having people who are going through the same thing can make a world of difference. These people can provide encouragement and motivation when you’re struggling, and can help hold you accountable to your goals. Do a search for private Facebook Groups.
Remember the most valuable learning starts day 31 and beyond
That’s right! Reintroduce foods slowly using the recommended timeline. This is where the true learning is! Many people overlook this but it is such a vital part of the process. Stick with it and you’ll really reap the benefits. Remember, I have a lot of Whole30-Friendly recipes to keep you going! YES, I have 56 Whole30 recipes there!
Enjoy the process!
The Whole30 program can be challenging at times, but it’s also an opportunity to learn more about yourself and how your body responds to different foods. So take advantage of this time to experiment with new recipes, explore new foods, and find out what makes you feel your best. And above all else, enjoy the process!